
Master Yasuo: To unlock the true potential of i永劫无间, you should master Yasuo, the champion who wields this legendary skill. Focus on improving Yasuo's abilities, including his base stats and item builds. Enhance your all-in-one items: i永劫无间 relies heavily on your all-in-one (AIO) items, which provide a significant amount of attack damage and critical strike chance. Focus on building items like Lord Dominik's Regards, Youmuu's Ghostblade, or Essence Reaver. Critical strike chance is key: i永劫无间 relies on critical strikes to deal massive damage. Focus on building items that provide a high critical strike chance, like Youmuu's Ghostblade or Essence Reaver. Synergy with other abilities: Make sure you're using Yasuo's other abilities synergistically with i永劫无间. For example, use your E ability (Swept Blade) to stun enemies and then unleash i永劫无间 for massive damage. Game knowledge and mechanics: Familiarize yourself with the game mechanics, including positioning, timing, and spacing. Practice using i永劫无间 in different situations to improve your gameplay.
By following these steps and consistently improving your Yasuo mastery, you'll be able to upgrade i永劫无间 effectively. Remember to stay patient, persistent, and focused on your goals. Good luck, summoner!


In the popular mobile game Fate/Grand Order, i永劫无间 is a formidable Servant with incredible abilities. As a high-level player, you might be wondering how to upgrade her Noble Phantasms and enhance her performance in battles. Here's a comprehensive guide on upgrading i永劫无间:

i永劫无间 has two primary Noble Phantasms (NP): Rite of Memories () and Aurora of the Unforgettable (). Each NP has its unique effects, cooldowns, and upgrade paths. Familiarize yourself with their characteristics to make informed decisions.
Kurukuru (): Boosting Kurukuru's defense and HP can help maintain i永劫无间's survivability during battles. Liesa (): Upgrading Liesa's skills can enhance her support capabilities, such as increasing i永劫无间's critical rate and attack speed.

Don't neglect i永劫无间's individual stats: Make sure to upgrade her HP, ATK, and DEF to increase her overall performance in battles. Combine with other Servants: Synergize i永劫无间's abilities with those of other Servants, such as using her support skills to enhance their attacks.
By following this guide and adapting your strategy according to the situation, you'll be well on your way to upgrading i永劫无间's Noble Phantasms and dominating battles in Fate/Grand Order!