
永劫无间三个版本区别买哪个好 永劫无间在哪下

2024-06-18 185 娇气的背包




1. 无想定理


2. 无生法门


3. 成佛定理









"永劫无间"(yǒng jié wú jiān) is a profound Buddhist concept that has been discussed extensively in various texts and scriptures. It is often translated as "unceasing continuity" or "unbroken continuity."

In the context of Buddhism, particularly in the Mahayana and Vajrayana traditions, "永劫无间" refers to the idea that all sentient beings are interconnected through their karma, which is shaped by their thoughts, words, and actions. This concept suggests that every being's suffering or happiness is linked to the collective karma of the entire universe.

The phrase "永劫无间" can be understood as follows:

  • "永劫" (yǒng jié) means "unceasing" or "perpetual," implying a continuous process that has no beginning or end.

  • "无间" (wú jiān) means "unbroken" or "infinite," suggesting an unobstructed, uninterrupted flow of cause and effect.

In essence, "永劫无间" describes the interconnectedness of all beings, highlighting the impermanence of individual existence and the interdependence of all phenomena. This understanding encourages practitioners to cultivate compassion, wisdom, and bodhicitta (enlightenment mind) to help break the cycle of suffering and bring about liberation.

In Buddhist scriptures, "永劫无间" is often mentioned in conjunction with other key concepts like "dependent origination" ( pratītyasamutpāda), "karmic causality" (heṁsaya), and "emptiness" (shūnyatā). These ideas collectively form the foundation of Buddhist wisdom, guiding practitioners toward a deeper understanding of reality and the path to liberation.

By grasping the profound implications of "永劫无间," we can begin to understand the nature of reality, develop a deeper sense of compassion for all beings, and strive toward a more enlightened way of living.

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