永劫无间延迟怎么看 永劫无间延迟高怎么回事
In Mahayana Buddhism, "i永劫无间" () and "永劫无间" () are two important concepts that describe the state of existence after an individual's physical death. Both phrases refer to the idea that an individual's consciousness or karmic energy will continue to exist in a certain form or realm, but there is a crucial difference between them.
The phrase "i永劫无间" literally means "the end of rebirth is not yet reached." This concept suggests that after physical death, an individual's consciousness or karmic energy will continue to exist in the bardo (Intermediate State) for a certain period. During this time, the individual's past actions and karma will be reevaluated, and they may be reborn into another life if their karma is not yet exhausted.
In essence, "i永劫无间" implies that an individual's spiritual journey or cycle of birth and death has not yet come to an end. This concept is often associated with the Tibetan Book of the Dead and is an essential part of Tibetan Buddhist funeral rites.
「 永劫无间」()
On the other hand, "永劫无间" directly translates to "the eternal and unobstructed." This phrase suggests that an individual's consciousness or karmic energy will continue to exist in a state of liberation, free from the cycle of rebirth and karma. In this context, " 永劫无间" implies that an individual has attained spiritual awakening or nirvana, and their consciousness is now liberated from the cycle of birth and death.
To summarize, "i永劫无间" emphasizes the idea that an individual's spiritual journey is not yet complete, while " 永劺无间" suggests that an individual has achieved liberation from the cycle of rebirth. In other words, "i永劫无间" implies a continued existence in some form, whereas " 永劺无间" implies a state of eternal freedom.
In Buddhist teachings, understanding the distinction between these two concepts is crucial for grasping the nature of existence and the spiritual path. By recognizing that our consciousness or karmic energy continues to exist after physical death (i永劫无间), we can appreciate the importance of spiritual practice and the need to overcome our negative tendencies. Conversely, realizing that our true nature is eternal and unobstructed ( 永劺无间) can inspire us to strive for liberation from the cycle of rebirth.
- 生命間隔:在某個人死亡後,所生的業力會導致他下一個生存體系中的生活環境、身世、社會地位等。
- 業力延迟:在某個人死亡後,所生的業力會延迟到他的下一個生存體系中,影響他的生活環境和行為。