王者荣耀永劫无间是干嘛的 永劫无间张是什么意思
王者荣耀(King of Glory)中,永劫无间(Eternal Retribution)是一种特殊的技能系统。它允许玩家在游戏过程中发动一次超强大的攻击,攻击力远超过普通攻击。
The phrase "永劫无间" (Yǒng jié wú jiān) literally means "eternal uninterrupted suffering." This concept is rooted in Buddhist teachings on the consequences of one's actions in this life and its impact on their future existence. According to Buddhism, every action has a cause-and-effect relationship, which determines an individual's karmic trajectory.
The idea of i永劫无间 is rooted in Buddhist concepts such as the law of karma (因果律) and the doctrine of samsara (轮回). According to these teachings, every being's existence is influenced by their actions, and their destiny is shaped by the consequences of those actions. This concept serves as a deterrent for individuals who may be tempted to engage in negative behavior, as they understand that such actions will lead to suffering not only in this life but also in future existences.
In summary, i永劫无间 refers to the idea that those who have committed great evil or harmed others may experience eternal and uninterrupted suffering in their afterlife existence. This concept is rooted in Buddhist teachings on karma, samsara, and the consequences of one's actions.